Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Week 3 and Rolling

  Well let me begin by saying thank you again to everyone who showed up this Saturday and threw dice and let me gab their ear off.  All in all I think we had ten different players including three who had never played before!  That's the most new people in a week yet.  So thank you again.

  Starting September 7th or 14th not 100% clear we will be starting an official Journeymen league the fees I am still working out but right now I believe it is going to be 15$ a person with hopes to have 8 players however there does allow for expanding up to 12 or even 16 if we can get that many.  Right now we will run regardless.  If we can get a full eight good store credit for top 2 and prizes for most hobby points, most victory points and best painted army by popular vote. Privateer journeymen patches as well one for joining and one rank patch for each week you participate. At the end an additional patch will be awarded to the player with the most victory points, a patch for the most hobby points, and one for most Journeymen points

  I've been thinking that to kick off the first week of the league with a tournament with the winner, second, and best sport gaining additional journeymen points.  It should give all that show at least 3 probably 4 games towards the league. 

  Additionally Saturday will be league day and you will gain an additional journeymen point however league games can be played on non league nights at The Complex, where the record book will be kept.  I would like to have all games played at The Complex as they have been exceedingly gracious hosts.  I would like to add that they have ordered all of the starter boxes and order times have been excellent.  I myself haven't decided for sure on a faction I think I will use my Skorne with the alternate.  However I might go with a Merc list, or Cygnar.... So many choices.

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