Thursday, August 22, 2013

Journeyman League 2013

  Ok I think things are in order, starting on September 14th we will be starting a Journeyman league at The Complex in Scarborough, ME.  We have a good amount of new players, 3 who have only been playing a month or so. 2 others who are seasoned players those are the ones I know of. I've compiled the journeyman rules and will post a link for download. 

  We have modified the normal 6 week league and expanded it to 10 weeks. Giving an extra week at the 15 pt, 25 pt, 35 pt, and 35 pt free point level. This combined with three tournaments one the first week, one at the 25 pt level week 4, and one at the 35 pt free level. Anyone can come to the tournaments which should fall one per month and those in the league will get JL points for games played even against non league players. Also extra points for the top 2 League players.

  The league fee will be 15$ with top prizes for 1st and 2nd, also for most hobby points and most victory points. You can pay anytime up to the 14th of September and the tournaments will cost 5$ with prizes for top 3 and possibly painting challenge voted on by those in the store the day of the tournament. So if you can't pay until the 14th and wish to be in the tournament it'll cost 20$ (15$ for league and 5$ for tournament) if you are in the league you do not need to enter the tournament you can get pickup games, but I hope you'll join in the tournaments they make things interesting. 
  The league signup will be at The Complex all you need to do is sign up as I said before payment should be processed before the 14th of September. There will be patches awarded for joining and for each point level you continue to participate at. As well as awards for most hobby points, most victory points, and most journeymen points. 

  Also the final tournament will run at 35pts and be a steamroller event with coins and certificates that tournament will most likely be 10$ so we can get official privateer prize support

  The rules have been only slightly modified to suit our needs and if there are any suggestions before the 14th let me know and we can discuss any changes. 

  I'm extremely excited and looking forward to this, I'm still not sure which faction will use I think I will wait to see who joins I'm leaning toward Khador with the Butcher alternative list, but the Feora alternate protectorate list looks like fun as well, and the Cygnar box I've never run pStriker. So many choices. Right now I have a Trollblood, legion, gator, possibly a Skorne, other than that not sure what the others will choose. 

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