Monday, August 26, 2013

First Month

  Well it wasn't a very stellar outing this week but we did have 5 people show up and we played a fair amount of games.  Also found out someone coated the plain black terrain giving it some added effect.  So thanks to whoever went ahead and did that.  

  The sign up sheet, rules, and schedule for the upcoming league are at the store ready for preregistration. So there is three more weeks to get prepped and pay the league fee.  I have 5 people for sure one who has already preregistered.  I'll be working of two new tabletops in the following weeks with hope they will all be ready by the 14th.  We currently have room for 10 players, and 14 if I have those ready. 

  Right now the start of the tournament will be 1 pm 15 pt, battle-box format. If that time doesn't work for you let me know and we will try and work out the best time for everyone. We will have timed rounds, death clock will not be used, unless we find that people are abusing their time, which at 15 pts really shouldn't be the case.

  The Complex has been a great and they have a lot of the battle-boxes in stock and ordering has been fast. I've been demoing Hordes with my wife, she's planning to play in the league.  In three games she's won two by surprising her opponents with Barnabas' feat (knock you down) and the last with a headbutt knockdown of Morghoul needing a 12 on three dice she got a 13, Barnabas had 1 hit point left and then squish goes the Morghoul.  Not bad she rolls better than Murph! 

  Looking forward to next weekend hope anyone who has some time stop in for a quick game or demo if your interested.  

25pt Xeris V. eKaya
25pt Rhyas v Madrak
Xeris and eKaya in Combat
pAsphixious biding his time
pLilith v. pAsphixious battle-box
35pt Abby v. Maelok 
Proteous finishing Maelok
25pt pDoomshaper v pButcher
Morghoul attempting to get to Lilith
Knocked down Morghoul squish
Headbutt Knocked down Morghoul squish

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Journeyman League 2013

  Ok I think things are in order, starting on September 14th we will be starting a Journeyman league at The Complex in Scarborough, ME.  We have a good amount of new players, 3 who have only been playing a month or so. 2 others who are seasoned players those are the ones I know of. I've compiled the journeyman rules and will post a link for download. 

  We have modified the normal 6 week league and expanded it to 10 weeks. Giving an extra week at the 15 pt, 25 pt, 35 pt, and 35 pt free point level. This combined with three tournaments one the first week, one at the 25 pt level week 4, and one at the 35 pt free level. Anyone can come to the tournaments which should fall one per month and those in the league will get JL points for games played even against non league players. Also extra points for the top 2 League players.

  The league fee will be 15$ with top prizes for 1st and 2nd, also for most hobby points and most victory points. You can pay anytime up to the 14th of September and the tournaments will cost 5$ with prizes for top 3 and possibly painting challenge voted on by those in the store the day of the tournament. So if you can't pay until the 14th and wish to be in the tournament it'll cost 20$ (15$ for league and 5$ for tournament) if you are in the league you do not need to enter the tournament you can get pickup games, but I hope you'll join in the tournaments they make things interesting. 
  The league signup will be at The Complex all you need to do is sign up as I said before payment should be processed before the 14th of September. There will be patches awarded for joining and for each point level you continue to participate at. As well as awards for most hobby points, most victory points, and most journeymen points. 

  Also the final tournament will run at 35pts and be a steamroller event with coins and certificates that tournament will most likely be 10$ so we can get official privateer prize support

  The rules have been only slightly modified to suit our needs and if there are any suggestions before the 14th let me know and we can discuss any changes. 

  I'm extremely excited and looking forward to this, I'm still not sure which faction will use I think I will wait to see who joins I'm leaning toward Khador with the Butcher alternative list, but the Feora alternate protectorate list looks like fun as well, and the Cygnar box I've never run pStriker. So many choices. Right now I have a Trollblood, legion, gator, possibly a Skorne, other than that not sure what the others will choose. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Week 3 and Rolling

  Well let me begin by saying thank you again to everyone who showed up this Saturday and threw dice and let me gab their ear off.  All in all I think we had ten different players including three who had never played before!  That's the most new people in a week yet.  So thank you again.

  Starting September 7th or 14th not 100% clear we will be starting an official Journeymen league the fees I am still working out but right now I believe it is going to be 15$ a person with hopes to have 8 players however there does allow for expanding up to 12 or even 16 if we can get that many.  Right now we will run regardless.  If we can get a full eight good store credit for top 2 and prizes for most hobby points, most victory points and best painted army by popular vote. Privateer journeymen patches as well one for joining and one rank patch for each week you participate. At the end an additional patch will be awarded to the player with the most victory points, a patch for the most hobby points, and one for most Journeymen points

  I've been thinking that to kick off the first week of the league with a tournament with the winner, second, and best sport gaining additional journeymen points.  It should give all that show at least 3 probably 4 games towards the league. 

  Additionally Saturday will be league day and you will gain an additional journeymen point however league games can be played on non league nights at The Complex, where the record book will be kept.  I would like to have all games played at The Complex as they have been exceedingly gracious hosts.  I would like to add that they have ordered all of the starter boxes and order times have been excellent.  I myself haven't decided for sure on a faction I think I will use my Skorne with the alternate.  However I might go with a Merc list, or Cygnar.... So many choices.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Week 2

  Hello there! Aug 10th brought to us the Grand Opening of The Complex.  It was definitely a lively crowed and we had around six or seven Warmachine / Hordes, well mostly Hordes players.  Had three who had never played and they seemed to enjoy their experiences.

  I am now going into full steam ahead for a Journeymen League, with the start date the first or second week of September.  I'm not sure who I plan on running yet but one person picked up on Legion, another on Trollbloods, and one for Menoth.  I may run with a Rhulic list or I might go with the Skorne alternative list as I am trying  to get my Skorne together to bring to TempleCon 2014!  Yes I know it's a bit far off but those who have seen my Skorne it's been in sad shape other than a small Rasheth this that I built and painted and then put aside.
  I will be trying to get as many people as we can the more the merrier.  I have the full list of alternative starting armies, so if you have a faction you like and already have the starter box here is a way to expand your faction.  And for those of you out there who I know are good at painting it gives you an incentive and a bit of fun to paint up a 35 pt list and then ebay it or sell it to someone else who enjoys the game yet painting is lets say not their strong point.

  If you are interested and don't think you can make it every week we can work something out I have a few people with conflicting schedules and we will work with you plus there are additional ways to get points.

For those who did show up thank you again I enjoyed talking with all those who were interested as well as who already play.  I will be back next Saturday battle boxes in hand hope that if you have a spare hour stop by for a quick demo. Or if you are into Warhammer you might really enjoy anyone who wants to learn I'll be there.

Ah Week 2 setup
A little more together this week
Game 1 Kaya v Xeris
Kaya attempting a maneuver around Skorne Brick
Xeris smiting Feral into Kaya
Kreoss trying to manouver
Morgohul's last ditch fail roll effort...
Magnus Battling Legion
Photo Credit: Jade Marie Auger
Lilith Herald of Everblight
Photo Credit: Jade Marie Auger
Beware of the Carney
Photo Credit: Jade Marie Auger
Kaelyssa of the elves
Photo Credit: Jade Marie Auger
FIRE!  Feora
Photo Credit: Jade Marie Auger
Feora's arc node Guardian
Photo Credit: Jade Marie Auger
There she blows The Cryx Kraken
Photo Credit: Jade Marie Auger
Dirty D!  negra
A friendly game of Tailsmen
Lasted almost 7 hours! Haha whew way to go!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

First Week

  So we had a decent showing our first week at The Complex. All in all we had nine people stop by and a few more who showed interest. I have four confirmed to start a journeymen league in a few weeks. I'd like to get another four to have at least eight. So for now we are going to be there Saturdays from 1 - done! :)  I have 10 starter boxes assembled and painted for demos and questions. 2013's journeymen league has a few new alternative lists for almost every faction! Meaning if you already have the army here is a new direction you can take. pDoomshaper for trolls, pThags for legion, Xeris for Skorne, Balder for Circle, Gorton or Bart for Mercs, Butcher for Khador, Asphyxious for Cryx, Ossyan for Retribution, Caine for Cygnar, and Feora for Menoth! I have all the alternative lists available for those who already have the battle box's or aren't interested in the battle box option for the faction.

  The complex I think will be an awesome place for Warmachine/Hordes and a place we can establish a good gaming community for southern Maine. Since Game Geeks closed many of us have been homeless gamers but here I think we can find a good space to thrive. 

  As I said before and will continue to say we will be there every Saturday as long as I can, if you are interested stop in say hi, play a demo.  Costs nothing to try and is inexpensive hobby to start. Lots of fun to be had by all. Big gaming space with room for card gamers and board gamers to play alongside miniature gamers.