Sunday, October 13, 2013

25pt Tournament

Well this Saturday brought our 2nd tournament at The Complex, a 25 pt standard, in which we introduced our team to Scenarios.  We managed 7 players, I chose not to play to make it even giving us 6 combatants.  Two Legion, Two Khador, One Cryx, and One Cygnarian.  I know a lot of my regulars couldn't make it but thanks to Matt and Joe, the Khador players, who were first timers to our growing group.

It looked like a sure win after 2 rounds but after loosing the last round eButcher ended up going to strength of Schedule against Rhyas.  And Rhyas squeaked out the win by a hair.  All in all we had a few wins by scenario and only one game that came to kill points. Everyone seemed to have a good time. Thanks to everyone.

Now looking forward NOV. 16th! 35pt Steamroller!  This is 2 weekends before Thanksgiving so hopefully you'll all be available.  I've ordered the official coins and certificates so the top three winners will get their steamroller certificate and coin.  This will also be the last event of our first Journeymen League and good time to rack up some late league points and push for the Points or Victories win.

As I have discussed with a few others of you, I'm contemplating another Journeymen-esque league from which we will expand the beginning casters and we will begin at 25 pts working our way to 50 pts.  And since it's the holiday season I'm thinking we will start the week after Christmas or 1st weekend of 2014. If you're interested let me know by FB or stop in and say Hi!  I'm at The Complex Saturdays from 1-10 running demos, playing league games, always ready to theorymachine it up.

Also don't forget Foodmachine!  Info in the upper right hand linky.  Also added monetary option where you can donate $$$ in place of cans. 1$ gives you 2 can tickets.  So if you can bring in your cans, otherwise please bring in cash donations starting this week I will begin accepting donations for your Foodmachine ticket.  A minimum donation on 10$ or 20 cans are necessary to play, which gives you 20 tickets to break the rules.

Week 5 of our Journeymen and we are 1/2 way done that's right midway through.  One more week at 25 pts then get your lists ready for 35!  It's not to far off that your lists become unrestricted and field whatever you want! Hope to see you all there Saturday!

Also Josh picked up High Command Hordes and I've been reading the rules so if anyone is interested we will try and run a demo!

Also The Complex is now a Battlefoam supplier so for the Non battlefoam miniature goer. Here is an introduction.  They make quality foam and high strength especially when in comparison to the Sabol foam.  So if you don't have some I would recommend it even if you just buy a piece that say fits your Cavalierly models or weird spear unit, or collossal/gargantuan.  Then get a bag later or just pick up the foam for your own transport container. I'll have one to view at the store shortly for you to check out.

Odd spears fit nicely, and small based troopers fit in standards

Special Jack foam is available for your Warmachine Faction

Along with special Warbeast foam for hordes.  Also there is special Cav foam

Even without a bag we all know how crappy it is to transport our Collassals and Gargantuans

Standard pre-cut foam fits most well and a lot of models at that.

Again big thanks to those who came out and I hope we will have a good group together for the first Steamroller!  Look forward to seeing you at the Complex next Saturday!

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