Well... Who's the Boss 13' not without a hitch but not to bad. We definitely learned a bunch and are looking forward to running another one next year. So Saturday looked at first to be a good sized tournament turnout then old man winter reared his ugly head threatening us with over a foot of snow... And que the cancellations! It's ok I'm afraid if everyone had showed it might have gotten ugly so it all worked out for the best.
Big thanks to those who made it out and bore with me through it all. We do have some improvements to make for next year. But all in all I think most matches went well, it was interesting to see Harbinger running Trollbloods up against eKreoss and Legion. Fun was had by most I would say... :D
Looking forward to next month and the New Year! January 11th brings us our first tournament and I thought why not go from broke SO we are going to have a team tournament but you have no idea who your team-mate will be. "Best-BUDS" bring one 35 point list and you will be matched up with a Buddy, and here's another twist.... You'll both be playing together and your buddy will become friendly Faction... :D Let the silliness ensue!